Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Hello 2011!

Seems like my entire life it felt like 2009 would never come. That was the year I graduated high school. Now, here I am, wondering where the heck 2010 went! Considering I have no idea when I'll actually graduate college, I have found it better to live day by day, and semester by semester. But for now, 2010 in retrospect. :)

In 2010, I..

became a UNT eagle!
joined an African Dance Ensemble.
took French.
met my best friend.
became a bridesmaid.
toured the US with said African Dance Ensemble.
went to SXSW, at which Bryce Avery basically held my hand. No big deal. ;)
went to NX35.
got an “Incomplete” in a class. (oops)
performed at the Arts & Jazz festival.
moved 3 times.
fell off a Navajo racehorse.
was baptized by my big brother.
changed my major a thousand times.
chose and declared a major that I’m sticking with. (theoretically)
played cops & robbers til 5 in the morning.
took a ride in the back of a squad car.
dyed dark burgundy strips in my hair.
got my nose pierced.
turned 19.
fell in love with the Lord in a whole new way.
spent two weeks in SETX. (during which I met so many lovely friends!)
joined Mocha Club.
lived one semester of dorm life.
fell off my bike on campus in front of many people.
went to my first UNT football game.
went to my first UNT volleyball game.
rode a motorcycle for the first time.
joined Cross Timbers Community Church - love it!
became a Nanny!
became a “regular” at Jupiter House.
moved into my dream apartment in downtown Denton, TX.
messed up. a lot.
learned that there is more of God’s grace than I could ever use.

Praise God for 2010! Through valleys and the mountains God has been good. Though I stumble, stray, strive, and think of myself far too often, God has been good. He has seen me through all 365 days of 2010; all days that he ordained and knew. And however many days He gives me in 2011, whether it be all or some, He has seen them, died for them, and covered them in His grace. So, as Oswald Chambers writes, I “let the past rest on the bosom of Christ,” and I welcome the new year with excitement and anticipation to see what’s next! So, 2011... Bring. It. On. :)