This week (Wait, what day is it today? .... Thursday. Got it.) is flying by like the rest. I'm desperately praying that God allows this little girl to be born safely around 38 weeks (and all the Mama's laugh at this first-time prego). I know that it is most common for first time mothers to deliver up to two weeks past their due date, but I'm still asking that God will bring her to our arms sooner than that. The reason being that hubs will (Lord willing) be going back to school full time in the Spring and still working his 40-50 hr/week job, all around the same time Rosie girl is due to arrive. Yikes! I would just really like to have some time with all of us at home as a new family before things get crazy. The Lord is sovereign and will bring her to us when the time is right. I'm just praying that the time is a little before or a little after Christmas. ;)
Stepping back and looking at the last few months, I can't help but see the Lord's sweetness in every aspect of our lives. It's this wonderful, intermingling pattern of our needs (and even wants!) coming to the surface, and then being met by His sweet grace. He has never, ever let us fall.
I lost a job, he brought Kip a new (and better!) one.
We needed groceries, and that same week some dear friends of ours gave us frozen beef from their cattle. They had no idea, and now we STILL have steak in the freezer!
He has made it to where we have been able to pay for everything out of pocket: tuition, birth center fees, rent, etc... We may scrape the bottom of the barrel sometimes, but we've never come up short! (Luke 6:38)
I started running out of clothes that fit (ha), and my mom, my sweet sister, my best friend, and my cousin all randomly gave me maternity clothes at different times! Sometimes a girl just needs a refreshed wardrobe, even if that means something second-hand. That was such a huge relief to my heart. Not to mention my sis gave me the gift of a shopping trip for new bras this week! Helloooo! Is there anything better than new undies?! ;)
My best friend was able to drive six hours to come throw me a baby shower. It was so precious, and I was so thankful to spend the time with her! (She's the queen of party-throwing, people.) Kip's parents bought us the car seat we wanted, and my Aunt purchased the bedding for the crib. (Which should come by UPS sometime today! Eee!) People also gave us children's books to start our little collection, as well as great toys, diapers, etc...
God has provided things on our registry in so many different ways than just a baby shower. Things we've received for free or waaay cheaper than the price on our registry include: a cradle, three bins full of baby girl clothes, a boppy pillow, a stroller, a hot mama wrap, a baby swing, a play-gym, a bouncy seat, and a changing pad. All these things are thanks to two sisters with babies who have grown out of them, and a few items from Mommy groups on Facebook. Wheee!
I just sit here and look around our apartment, and it hits me that I have done nothing to deserve or earn any of this. Thank you to all who have given to us and to little Rosemary. I'm so humbled by the Lord, and thankful to know Him. I'm thankful for the little baby with her little hands and feet constantly poking me in the side. It is all His grace. I hope I never forget.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Three, four, maybe five days will go by, and I'll be doing great. Bouncing around the apartment, cleaning, reading, learning, memorizing scripture, praying... and loving it. Throw in the occasional nap, time to make dinner for the hubs, and my days are (pretty much) full.
But sometimes... something creeps up on me. Call it fatigue, call it laziness, call it discontentment, or just chock it up to hormones. Sometimes it's a horrible mix of all of those things, but most days it starts with one and slowly becomes the others. It will start with a day where I'm so tired that I can't even focus on the words on the pages of my Bible, so I sleep that day. I'll get up in time to make some dinner for the two of us, and shortly after it's bed time.
The next day, I enjoyed my restful day so much the day before, I decide to take another one. But this time, instead of sleep, I may sit down in front of my favorite TV show on Netflix. Before I know it, half of the day has gone by and I haven't done a single thing! Leftovers sound pretty good for dinner....
By day three of this downward spiral, I'm frustrated with myself for the time I've wasted. I'm discontent in where I am, what I'm doing, and thinking, "Why on Earth am I a stay at home wife?!"Cue the hormones and the waterworks... and then I'm completely useless and Kip is trying to comfort me, wondering where in the world this all came from. Can we go out to eat so I can console myself with a huge plate of fajitas?
I am just like the Israelites, who constantly forgot their God, what He had done for them, and what He had promised them. Forgetting, struggling, remembering, praising... Forgetting, struggling... I am so thankful that God is so faithful, because I have no hope outside of him.
There you go. Splat. A blog post that I've basically thrown onto the wall haphazardly and hoping it sticks. Maybe one day in the middle of one of these spirals, I'll get to go back and read this and remember how silly I am, and I'll be able to repent quickly and shake myself out of it. ;)
But sometimes... something creeps up on me. Call it fatigue, call it laziness, call it discontentment, or just chock it up to hormones. Sometimes it's a horrible mix of all of those things, but most days it starts with one and slowly becomes the others. It will start with a day where I'm so tired that I can't even focus on the words on the pages of my Bible, so I sleep that day. I'll get up in time to make some dinner for the two of us, and shortly after it's bed time.
The next day, I enjoyed my restful day so much the day before, I decide to take another one. But this time, instead of sleep, I may sit down in front of my favorite TV show on Netflix. Before I know it, half of the day has gone by and I haven't done a single thing! Leftovers sound pretty good for dinner....
By day three of this downward spiral, I'm frustrated with myself for the time I've wasted. I'm discontent in where I am, what I'm doing, and thinking, "Why on Earth am I a stay at home wife?!"Cue the hormones and the waterworks... and then I'm completely useless and Kip is trying to comfort me, wondering where in the world this all came from. Can we go out to eat so I can console myself with a huge plate of fajitas?
I am just like the Israelites, who constantly forgot their God, what He had done for them, and what He had promised them. Forgetting, struggling, remembering, praising... Forgetting, struggling... I am so thankful that God is so faithful, because I have no hope outside of him.
There you go. Splat. A blog post that I've basically thrown onto the wall haphazardly and hoping it sticks. Maybe one day in the middle of one of these spirals, I'll get to go back and read this and remember how silly I am, and I'll be able to repent quickly and shake myself out of it. ;)
Friday, November 9, 2012
A Lot of Questions
Hello all,
Today my brain is turning over so many questions. I often need to write things out to really think them through, but typing is much faster and can keep up with my thoughts much better. This may be a long post, but I hope it is useful to all of us, and I hope I can get some opinions/answers/more thoughts on it all.
First of all, here is where my thought trail begins: the world we live in today is a completely different world than it was 15, 30, 50 years ago. Today, we are all connected through so many social media outlets. Facebook allows us to "keep up" with people we wouldn't normally "keep up" with. Twitter allows us to read others deep, humorous, or informational thoughts and share them with others, or to post our own. Instagram allows us to share pictures of our feet on the sidewalk and our lunches for that day. (Just kidding, I love Instagram!) One idea can travel thousands of miles and touch millions of people, thanks to Youtube, as well as these various forms of media. We spend so much time "connected" to people via the internet, without really being connected to people. (Check yourself next time you're tweeting or instagram-ing while out to dinner with a friend. How many times do you check your phone? Are you really with the person you're posting about, or is your brain too busy being "social?") What was life like before all of these new inventions? Well, I don't really know or remember. But I can assure you, time spent with people was spent with people. Being "social" didn't mean sitting behind a computer screen or smart phone, and communication was more than 140-character messages. People wrote letters (New Testament, anyone?), spoke to one another, and read books. And I know this: when people had a cause to stand up for, they spoke to people about it. I can't imagine Martin Luther King Jr. accomplishing what he did by debating with his opposers on Facebook. The thought is almost humorous. I can't imagine Paul writing a letter to the church in Corinth via Twitter, hash-tagging #Corinth so everyone could read it. All I'm saying is, people knew how to communicate well. And sometimes I wonder, have we lost a vital skill? Are we out of practice? Perhaps we have pruned the synapses in our brains too far, and our focus for the written word has become a little shorter?
Now, all that to say: I understand that there are definite pro's to new technology. We can communicate important information much quicker than we could before. Imminent storms, national security threats, invitations to events, information available for research, good news from loved ones, etc... I mean, today I played "Words With Friends" with my Dad who lives in Romania while we were on Skype. Years ago, missionaries waited months to receive letters from family and friends, if they were able to communicate with them at all. These are all good things.
But are some things not fit for Facebook? So many controversial subjects are constantly being debated online, and where I seem to see the most heartache, arguing, and anger is via Facebook. Subjects such as politics, abortion, gay rights, and many others are being argued about via lengthy battles of comments, trailing down someone's profile. Every once in a while, I have inserted myself in an on-going debate on a particular subject. But what I have found is this: Facebook, by definition, is set up to be about self. An individual will post what he/she thinks, wants, feels, or knows. He/she will post pictures of his/herself, statuses, or notes that project an image that he/she wants people to see. Facebook is set up to show off "me" (or at least the "me" I want others to see). And this plays into most people's conversations or debates online. No one is there to read or learn. Everyone is there to say something. The few times I have inserted an opinion or a proven fact, no one listens. Everyone is there to prove their own point, and I've never seen anyone come away from any of those debates with a better worldview, opinion, or mood. Can we really effectively communicate truth within the limitations of social media? Would efforts be more effective by real live face-to-face conversations with people? (Insert your cause here: the Gospel, politics, abortion, women's rights, gay rights...) The written word can be read and misunderstood in so many different ways, that a simple sentence that one person meant as kind or factual can be taken as rude or angry. There is too much room for miscommunication.
That's where another question comes in: is it worth it? Is it worth posting something that is true, when there is so much goofy junk being posted already? (Don't misunderstand me: the question is not whether or not truth is worth standing up for. It is whether or not Facebook or other media is the place to do it.) Let me give you some examples. Anyone remember the Kony 2012 campaign? This was a video that immediately went viral, and was supposed to start a movement. As it turns out, the maker of said video turned out to be a little looney, and the facts of the issue seemed to be mistaken. (Apparently the "movement" has someone continued, though with less enthusiasm than it originally produced due to much controversy.) How about the various memes posted about our President or other political figures in the spotlight? Or what about pictures of Jesus arm-wrestling Satan, or something similar? (lol) Just because a picture with bright red words on it says something, does that make it true? Or does it even communicate a point effectively? If there is truth out there in the sea of memes, viral videos, and popular beliefs, would it really be heard by anyone who didn't already take that stance in the first place?
Now, I want to point something out specifically to those who believe in the authority of the Bible. 2 Timothy 2:23-25 says this:
Christians, what is our place? Scripture clearly indicates how we are to go about sharing truth. Can we really do this online?
Even if you are not a Christian, how do you receive messages put forth by pictures such as these:
My fear is this: we will automatically accept something as truth if we already think along those lines, even if it isn't true or we haven't researched it at all. We act on our emotional ties (don't kill grandma!) instead of reason.
Sorry for the long post, but I hope I communicated my questions and thoughts clearly. I only want to encourage the body towards what leads to unity and mutual edification, and everyone toward a possibly better form of communication and learning. Please share thoughts, comments, and other questions with me. I'm a youngster with a lot of thoughts and a lot of questions.
Today my brain is turning over so many questions. I often need to write things out to really think them through, but typing is much faster and can keep up with my thoughts much better. This may be a long post, but I hope it is useful to all of us, and I hope I can get some opinions/answers/more thoughts on it all.
First of all, here is where my thought trail begins: the world we live in today is a completely different world than it was 15, 30, 50 years ago. Today, we are all connected through so many social media outlets. Facebook allows us to "keep up" with people we wouldn't normally "keep up" with. Twitter allows us to read others deep, humorous, or informational thoughts and share them with others, or to post our own. Instagram allows us to share pictures of our feet on the sidewalk and our lunches for that day. (Just kidding, I love Instagram!) One idea can travel thousands of miles and touch millions of people, thanks to Youtube, as well as these various forms of media. We spend so much time "connected" to people via the internet, without really being connected to people. (Check yourself next time you're tweeting or instagram-ing while out to dinner with a friend. How many times do you check your phone? Are you really with the person you're posting about, or is your brain too busy being "social?") What was life like before all of these new inventions? Well, I don't really know or remember. But I can assure you, time spent with people was spent with people. Being "social" didn't mean sitting behind a computer screen or smart phone, and communication was more than 140-character messages. People wrote letters (New Testament, anyone?), spoke to one another, and read books. And I know this: when people had a cause to stand up for, they spoke to people about it. I can't imagine Martin Luther King Jr. accomplishing what he did by debating with his opposers on Facebook. The thought is almost humorous. I can't imagine Paul writing a letter to the church in Corinth via Twitter, hash-tagging #Corinth so everyone could read it. All I'm saying is, people knew how to communicate well. And sometimes I wonder, have we lost a vital skill? Are we out of practice? Perhaps we have pruned the synapses in our brains too far, and our focus for the written word has become a little shorter?
Now, all that to say: I understand that there are definite pro's to new technology. We can communicate important information much quicker than we could before. Imminent storms, national security threats, invitations to events, information available for research, good news from loved ones, etc... I mean, today I played "Words With Friends" with my Dad who lives in Romania while we were on Skype. Years ago, missionaries waited months to receive letters from family and friends, if they were able to communicate with them at all. These are all good things.
But are some things not fit for Facebook? So many controversial subjects are constantly being debated online, and where I seem to see the most heartache, arguing, and anger is via Facebook. Subjects such as politics, abortion, gay rights, and many others are being argued about via lengthy battles of comments, trailing down someone's profile. Every once in a while, I have inserted myself in an on-going debate on a particular subject. But what I have found is this: Facebook, by definition, is set up to be about self. An individual will post what he/she thinks, wants, feels, or knows. He/she will post pictures of his/herself, statuses, or notes that project an image that he/she wants people to see. Facebook is set up to show off "me" (or at least the "me" I want others to see). And this plays into most people's conversations or debates online. No one is there to read or learn. Everyone is there to say something. The few times I have inserted an opinion or a proven fact, no one listens. Everyone is there to prove their own point, and I've never seen anyone come away from any of those debates with a better worldview, opinion, or mood. Can we really effectively communicate truth within the limitations of social media? Would efforts be more effective by real live face-to-face conversations with people? (Insert your cause here: the Gospel, politics, abortion, women's rights, gay rights...) The written word can be read and misunderstood in so many different ways, that a simple sentence that one person meant as kind or factual can be taken as rude or angry. There is too much room for miscommunication.
That's where another question comes in: is it worth it? Is it worth posting something that is true, when there is so much goofy junk being posted already? (Don't misunderstand me: the question is not whether or not truth is worth standing up for. It is whether or not Facebook or other media is the place to do it.) Let me give you some examples. Anyone remember the Kony 2012 campaign? This was a video that immediately went viral, and was supposed to start a movement. As it turns out, the maker of said video turned out to be a little looney, and the facts of the issue seemed to be mistaken. (Apparently the "movement" has someone continued, though with less enthusiasm than it originally produced due to much controversy.) How about the various memes posted about our President or other political figures in the spotlight? Or what about pictures of Jesus arm-wrestling Satan, or something similar? (lol) Just because a picture with bright red words on it says something, does that make it true? Or does it even communicate a point effectively? If there is truth out there in the sea of memes, viral videos, and popular beliefs, would it really be heard by anyone who didn't already take that stance in the first place?
Now, I want to point something out specifically to those who believe in the authority of the Bible. 2 Timothy 2:23-25 says this:
"Have nothing to do with foolish, ignorant controversies; you know that they breed quarrels. And the Lord's servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, correcting his opponents with gentleness. God may perhaps grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of truth..."
Christians, what is our place? Scripture clearly indicates how we are to go about sharing truth. Can we really do this online?
Even if you are not a Christian, how do you receive messages put forth by pictures such as these:
My fear is this: we will automatically accept something as truth if we already think along those lines, even if it isn't true or we haven't researched it at all. We act on our emotional ties (don't kill grandma!) instead of reason.
Sorry for the long post, but I hope I communicated my questions and thoughts clearly. I only want to encourage the body towards what leads to unity and mutual edification, and everyone toward a possibly better form of communication and learning. Please share thoughts, comments, and other questions with me. I'm a youngster with a lot of thoughts and a lot of questions.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
And we shall call her...
Rosemary Louise Staton.
(Rosemary: Latin; "dew of the sea")
(Louise: German; "famous warrior")
When we first got pregnant, we both really thought it would be a boy. We weren't sure why, it was just an initial feeling. But as weeks went on and I started to show a little more, I really felt like it was a girl. Something about the way I was carrying her and the way I felt made me change my mind. We both knew we would be happy with whichever, but we were dying to know. When we finally found out, I thought Kip was going to either faint or jump around the room with joy. He's a Daddy to a little girl.
Of course, we had already picked a boy name but hadn't even come close to choosing a girl name. So, we started throwing a few names around, but never could decide on anything. Rosemary had always been an idea, but we weren't ready to commit to a decision yet. One evening, my friend, Carol, mentioned a friend of hers with a little girl called "Rosie-Lou." Her full name was Rosemary Louise, but the cute little nickname had stuck with her. Well, it stuck with me too, and the more Kip and I talked about it, the more we loved it.
You see, these are our grandmothers' names. I can't believe we didn't think of it sooner! They are both so special to us, and I just love the classic names. The more we talked about the name and about the baby, the more the two became synonymous. "Oohf, Rosie just kicked me in the rib." "I can't wait to take Rosie to such-and-such place." "When Rosie gets here..."
My Grandma (Mildred Louise) and I at Easter 2 years ago. |
Rosemary is Kip's Grandma (in the video), and Louise is the middle name of my Grandma. Both of their reactions when we told them were priceless... and I'm so glad we got video of at least one of them! And of course, Louise is also the middle name of both of our Mothers! I love the meanings of both of the names, dew of the sea and famous warrior. So soft and strong at the same time, like we pray our little one will be.
My little Rosebud,
You're only a few weeks from your grand entrance to the world, and you have so many people here who love you already. You are named after four precious, beautiful, strong women, and I know you'll be the same. We can't wait to watch you grow, smile, and laugh. We can't wait for girly little dresses, silly made up dances and trips to the gun range with your Daddy. He's already knows you'll be a perfect shot. And I already know you'll be the cutest one out there. I'm praying for you, so very often. I long for the day you're in my arms. Keep growing, but don't make us wait too long. :)
I love you,
Monday, November 5, 2012
Thirty Week Feelings
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30 weeks! |
Today, I am thirty weeks along in my pregnancy!! Eeeee! :) Six weeks 'til full term and ten weeks 'til due date! I'm so, so ready for little lady to get here. Pregnancy has taken a big turn for me over the last few weeks. It's starting to feel a little less cute and a lot more uncomfortable. Baby girl has decided that she loves curling up right under the right side of my ribcage, and staying there for as long as she can. Especially during car rides. ;) My back and hips have started complaining about the extra weight they're supporting, and lo and behold, morning sickness decided to wait until the end to rear its ugly head. :( It has been so tempting to fall into a "woe is me!" attitude, but then I realize that six to ten (to twelve) weeks of "woe" does not sound fun. I'm trying my best to stay busy and positive and prayerful.
We took a trip last week to East Texas to visit my older sisters. I hadn't seen either of them in months, so the visit was long overdue. Both of them blessed me with hand-me-down baby clothes and a few new maternity shirts. I spent nearly all day Friday organizing baby clothes and putting away different sizes in their appropriate places. [Little lady, you owe your sweet cousins Arabella and Avalee a big thank you for all the cute onesies and dresses you got from them! Don't worry, I hugged and kissed them enough for the both of us. :)] And the maternity clothes were a sweet relief to me, as I've started putting away even more clothes that don't fit and am trying my best to (literally) stretch my wardrobe to last me these last couple months. I officially retired my favorite jeans yesterday. :( It's elastic waistbands for me for the rest of the year!
I recently came across this blog (thanks to Pinterest!) and I really think it's the best advice I've read on dressing well while pregnant. I've had a hard time finding maternity clothes that I really liked, so I've continued to wear a lot of my normal clothes until just recently. I wish I had read this at the beginning of my pregnancy. I could have probably saved some money and frustration by following some of her simple ideas. Next time around, I know what to go for. ;)
[On that note, can I make a point here? Comparison TRULY is the thief of joy. Sometimes I see these cute prego ladies on these blogs, and think, "Yeah! I can do that!" But, when it comes time to get ready to go out somewhere, a lot of times I feel inadequate and frumpy because of what's in my closet and how it looks on my ever-changing body. The truth is, the Lord has made women beautiful. My sweet husband tells me all the time how pretty he thinks I am, and even if I have a hard time believing it, I need to hear it. I promise, your man and your Heavenly Father don't think you are frumpy or ugly or flawed because you don't look like the picture you have in your head (whether you're pregnant or not!). Don't be lazy, but don't let the enemy deceive you.]
That's all I've got for now. Any advice for a third trimester first time mama? Are there things you wish you would have known before pregnancy or birth that you know now? Please share!
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No make-up Monday. Is that a thing? I'm making it a thing. |
Friday, October 26, 2012
Hello, Third Trimester!
I'm dreaming today...
I'm sitting at my kitchen table, reading and smelling the fantastic aroma of dinner in the crockpot. (One of our favorites: Honey Sesame Chicken) And, every so often, I get a little kick from the littlest Staton lady, reminding me that she's there and awake! I keep dreaming about her little face, wondering who she'll look like and what color hair she'll have. I wonder what her personality will be like, and what her voice will sound like. I can't wait to hear her say "Daddy" for the first time, because I know Kip will just melt. He loves her so much already, and I think he's going to be the sweetest Daddy.
I think it took a long time for the fact that I'm pregnant to really sink in. Even when I started to feel her move for the first time, it didn't seem real. But over the last few weeks, and especially at the beginning of the third trimester, it has really hit me. We're going to have a baby in this home... soon. Her room is painted pink, her crib is set up and we have a cradle next to the bed in our room. The quiet moments Kip and I have soon won't be so quiet, and time alone will be even more of a treasure than it is now. We're soaking in every bit of our time as a family of two, while really looking forward to the family of three. :)
Our first birthing class went really well. We really enjoyed meeting the five other couples (who are all first-time parents!) and getting some encouragement and perspective from the midwives and their assistants. It really helped me realize that my body is going to do what my body is going to do. I can't worry or stress about when or how she'll come, I just have to be patient and trust that God will bring her into this world in His own way. My job is just to ride it out and let it all happen. I feel like a burden has been lifted off my shoulders... one that was never mine to bear!
"You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you." -Isaiah 26:3
I think baby girl is getting hungry (well, at least I am), so I'm off to a PB&J sandwich and some Raspberry Leaf Tea while I watch a documentary on natural childbirth. Holler! Prime-time entertainment, right there. :)
Love always,
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28.5 week bump! |
I'm sitting at my kitchen table, reading and smelling the fantastic aroma of dinner in the crockpot. (One of our favorites: Honey Sesame Chicken) And, every so often, I get a little kick from the littlest Staton lady, reminding me that she's there and awake! I keep dreaming about her little face, wondering who she'll look like and what color hair she'll have. I wonder what her personality will be like, and what her voice will sound like. I can't wait to hear her say "Daddy" for the first time, because I know Kip will just melt. He loves her so much already, and I think he's going to be the sweetest Daddy.
I think it took a long time for the fact that I'm pregnant to really sink in. Even when I started to feel her move for the first time, it didn't seem real. But over the last few weeks, and especially at the beginning of the third trimester, it has really hit me. We're going to have a baby in this home... soon. Her room is painted pink, her crib is set up and we have a cradle next to the bed in our room. The quiet moments Kip and I have soon won't be so quiet, and time alone will be even more of a treasure than it is now. We're soaking in every bit of our time as a family of two, while really looking forward to the family of three. :)
Our first birthing class went really well. We really enjoyed meeting the five other couples (who are all first-time parents!) and getting some encouragement and perspective from the midwives and their assistants. It really helped me realize that my body is going to do what my body is going to do. I can't worry or stress about when or how she'll come, I just have to be patient and trust that God will bring her into this world in His own way. My job is just to ride it out and let it all happen. I feel like a burden has been lifted off my shoulders... one that was never mine to bear!
"You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you." -Isaiah 26:3
I think baby girl is getting hungry (well, at least I am), so I'm off to a PB&J sandwich and some Raspberry Leaf Tea while I watch a documentary on natural childbirth. Holler! Prime-time entertainment, right there. :)
Love always,
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Birth videos, classes, and stories. Oh my!
Well, after watching this TED video over and over, I was inspired to watch more birth videos and read birth stories. Water births, home births, hospital births... Lots and lots of births. Some videos are edited and sweet, and make Kip say, "That didn't look so bad!" And others are raw footage that make me wince and say, "Nooooo way!!" and Kip calmly replies, "Well, Hannah, we've gotta get her out somehow."
Let's be honest. I'm scared. Of the pain, of course, but mostly of the unknown. The last part of the TED video, where you can see what the little baby's legs are doing and how she's trying to get OUT of there?! Helloooo, why did I not realize she'd be moving around and squirming during delivery too?! One story I read talked about feeling her pelvic bones shifting and making room as the baby descended into the birth canal. Whaaaat.
All that to say, my confidence is fully and completely in the Lord, and I know He'll take care of me, and that this is what He designed my body to do. But the stories still give me the goosebumps. It's all so exciting, emotional, scary, and unpredictable! One minute, I'm terrified, and the next I just can't wait. I think, if the Lord gives us more babies in the future, I'd like to have a home birth. It just sounds so much more comfortable and personal. Maybe we'll wait until we have a house so we don't scare any neighbors in our apartment complex. :)
Well, tonight is our first birthing class. Neither of us are really sure what to expect, but we're excited to get to spend some time getting to know our midwives (Jean and Betty) outside of the regular prenatal appointments. I'm a little afraid Kip and I won't be able to make it through the class without laughing... This is all so new to us, and let's be honest... sometimes conversations about bodies are just funny. I know the information will be very useful and I'm excited to learn!
Monday, October 22, 2012
It's Been A While...
So much has happened since I posted last.
1. We did move, but not til nearly a month after my last post. We've lived in our new place about three months now, and I'm finally just feeling settled. We havepictures, erhh... picture frames on the wall, furniture arranged and lightbulbs in (almost) all of our lamps. Hey, it's "home," and we love it!
2. We had an ultrasound at 18 weeks and found out we are having a little baby girl. :) We are so excited to see our little lady face-to-face in just three short months! I am 28 weeks today. Hello, third trimester!
3. I recently stopped working, and I've graduated to stay-at-home housewife and waiting-to-be Mama! I'm praying for a measure of productivity and wisdom in finances, housekeeping, and learning to PRAY. This is the first time in my life I've never had work or school to attend, so it will be a whole new world for me! God gives good gifts, and in the case of my husband-- an INCREDIBLE gift. I'm so thankful for how hard he works to go to school and work to take care of our growing little family. What a man. :)
With the extra time on my hands, I hope to read and write a lot more, whether that's books, journals, or blogs. I've gone back and forth in my mind about whether or not I feel comfortable blogging regularly. I don't have any wisdom to offer newlyweds (as I am one myself), or Mama's (as I'm learning on the fly), I can't cook like Ree and I don't homeschool (yet) like my wonderful sister Bambi. But what I can do is share stories, struggles, and lessons I learn along the way. I only hope to be a voice of encouragement, inspiration, truth, and honesty for anyone who might happen to read along with our crazy lives. If there are any other young wives/mama's out there, feeling like you're the only one who no clue what to do, you're not!! I'm here, and we can learn together. :)
1. We did move, but not til nearly a month after my last post. We've lived in our new place about three months now, and I'm finally just feeling settled. We have
2. We had an ultrasound at 18 weeks and found out we are having a little baby girl. :) We are so excited to see our little lady face-to-face in just three short months! I am 28 weeks today. Hello, third trimester!
3. I recently stopped working, and I've graduated to stay-at-home housewife and waiting-to-be Mama! I'm praying for a measure of productivity and wisdom in finances, housekeeping, and learning to PRAY. This is the first time in my life I've never had work or school to attend, so it will be a whole new world for me! God gives good gifts, and in the case of my husband-- an INCREDIBLE gift. I'm so thankful for how hard he works to go to school and work to take care of our growing little family. What a man. :)
On our honeymoon before we left to come back home. |
With the extra time on my hands, I hope to read and write a lot more, whether that's books, journals, or blogs. I've gone back and forth in my mind about whether or not I feel comfortable blogging regularly. I don't have any wisdom to offer newlyweds (as I am one myself), or Mama's (as I'm learning on the fly), I can't cook like Ree and I don't homeschool (yet) like my wonderful sister Bambi. But what I can do is share stories, struggles, and lessons I learn along the way. I only hope to be a voice of encouragement, inspiration, truth, and honesty for anyone who might happen to read along with our crazy lives. If there are any other young wives/mama's out there, feeling like you're the only one who no clue what to do, you're not!! I'm here, and we can learn together. :)
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Weeks Go By...
Two weeks ago, three weeks seemed like an eternity. I knew we were moving, but it still seemed so far away. Now, we're down to five days til' move-out/in, and how many boxes do I have packed?
Well, technically one box full of dishes and one suitcase full of books. And you know what? Even five days feels like it's going to take forever to get here. So, I have forever to pack... right? Don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't want to do it, it's just that I'm afraid I'll get all packed and then just be sitting on a pile of stuff waiting to go! I'm SO excited to move. Can you tell? Our first little place has been cozy, and well, OURS. But I'm excited for a little more space to spread out and actually have room to unpack everything! Our current 500-something square foot apartment just kind of ended up feeling like a dorm room. We're almost doubling our space in the new apartment, sacrificing a bit of room in the kitchen and bathroom for wide open spaces in the living room and two bedrooms. I have all sorts of ideas for our new living room, bedroom, and what will become the nursery! Pinterest has been my faithful friend while coming up with ideas for the new place.
I love these types of shelves for the nursery/office.
Well, technically one box full of dishes and one suitcase full of books. And you know what? Even five days feels like it's going to take forever to get here. So, I have forever to pack... right? Don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't want to do it, it's just that I'm afraid I'll get all packed and then just be sitting on a pile of stuff waiting to go! I'm SO excited to move. Can you tell? Our first little place has been cozy, and well, OURS. But I'm excited for a little more space to spread out and actually have room to unpack everything! Our current 500-something square foot apartment just kind of ended up feeling like a dorm room. We're almost doubling our space in the new apartment, sacrificing a bit of room in the kitchen and bathroom for wide open spaces in the living room and two bedrooms. I have all sorts of ideas for our new living room, bedroom, and what will become the nursery! Pinterest has been my faithful friend while coming up with ideas for the new place.
I love these types of shelves for the nursery/office.
We have a couple little bookshelves I want to do this to!
The background on this one is wallpaper.
We may need to do something like this to make some space in our little bathroom... Wine rack turned towel holder. Either that or shelves with baskets!
We'll see how much of this I actually do, but it's fun to dream! :)
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Wedding Video!
My wonderful friend Justin of Justin W Lowe Productions and his lovely other half produced a video of our wedding that has had me swooning over it for days. It was such a wonderful day for Kip and I, and it's a blessing to have an incredible piece of art like this to remember it by! Enjoy! :)
{Hannah+Kip} /// Wedding from Justin W Lowe on Vimeo.
{Hannah+Kip} /// Wedding from Justin W Lowe on Vimeo.
Monday, June 25, 2012
Little Aprons
Thursday, the girls and I had to hang around my apartment and wait for a special delivery (more on that later)... So to pass the time we made homemade play-dough! I remember being at my sister's house when I was younger and making home-made play-dough to give to my nieces and nephews as Christmas gifts. We put it in little baby food jars and wrapped it in ribbon. I don't know if they ever played with it, but I sure had fun making it! I hope these two little girls had as much fun as I did when I was little.
So, I wrapped them up in a couple of my aprons (they looked so cute) and we went to work! The recipe was so easy, I can remember it off the top of my head now.
1 Cup Flour
1/2 Cup Salt
2 tsp. Cream of Tartar
1 Tbs. Oil
1 Cup Water
Optional - to make colorful playdough, use food dye!
Combine all the ingredients in a medium saucepan, and stir over low heat. Add the food coloring while the concoction is still semi-liquid-y, so that the color mixes in easier. We made a pink batch for Rowie and a blue batch for Ryan. They had so much fun taking turns adding the ingredients (with my help) and especially adding the color to the mixture!
This was a life-saver, when we really needed to take a break from the hot Texas sun and stay inside. It's been so fun to watch the little girls' brains working, coming up with new uses and ways to shape and mold the play-dough. It kept us entertained pretty much all day!
In other news, I got to Skype with my Mama and wonderful friend, Carol all the way from Romania! I miss my Mom so much, it made me so happy to see her face, even if it was through a computer screen. I'll get to see Carol's next week when she comes home, and I can't wait! :)
So, I wrapped them up in a couple of my aprons (they looked so cute) and we went to work! The recipe was so easy, I can remember it off the top of my head now.
1 Cup Flour
1/2 Cup Salt
2 tsp. Cream of Tartar
1 Tbs. Oil
1 Cup Water
Optional - to make colorful playdough, use food dye!
Combine all the ingredients in a medium saucepan, and stir over low heat. Add the food coloring while the concoction is still semi-liquid-y, so that the color mixes in easier. We made a pink batch for Rowie and a blue batch for Ryan. They had so much fun taking turns adding the ingredients (with my help) and especially adding the color to the mixture!
This was a life-saver, when we really needed to take a break from the hot Texas sun and stay inside. It's been so fun to watch the little girls' brains working, coming up with new uses and ways to shape and mold the play-dough. It kept us entertained pretty much all day!
In other news, I got to Skype with my Mama and wonderful friend, Carol all the way from Romania! I miss my Mom so much, it made me so happy to see her face, even if it was through a computer screen. I'll get to see Carol's next week when she comes home, and I can't wait! :)
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Three in The Nest.
My hands grip the sides of the bathroom counter. My eyes lock on the face in the mirror. "Mama?"
The next morning I woke up when Kip was already gone to work. Something in me clicked; something felt different. I got out of bed and went straight for the pregnancy test I'd had in the cabinet for a while (out of paranoia). I did was what was required of me, set the test on the bathroom counter, and went about my business, brushing my teeth and doing my normal morning routine. I put one contact in my eye, blinked, and looked at the test. I could see the first line clearly, and there appeared to be a faint... second... naahhh. I put in my other contact and focused for a few seconds. There, on that little funny-looking stick, were two pink lines. Positive. Pregnant. Baby in belly. I didn't scream, or jump up and down, or cry... I just stood there and looked at it. I gripped the counter and looked at myself in the mirror and thought, "Mama. Me?!"
I drove straight out to Sanger, where Kip was working at the time, and he could tell something was going on. I sat down next to him, and pulled out the pregnancy test I had brought in a plastic baggie. (Is that creepy?! Kip makes fun of me for that. I mean, it was in a completely secure little bag. No pee on anything except what ought to be peed on. I think that's totally okay.) His hazel-green eyes lit up, and the most beautiful, genuine smile crossed his face. He had anticipated his reaction correctly: he was (and still is) happy and this is a blessing.
We absolutely can't wait for a new addition to our family. Right now our little baby is 10 weeks old, about the size of a prune or a kumquat. Such lovely comparisons. I'm dying to know the gender, and Kip is convinced it's a boy, of course. ;) We'll find out in a couple more months. Until then, we've got moving plans, and both the Hubs and I started working at new jobs this week. We're also house-sitting for two weeks starting this weekend. Busy, busy! But so much fun. :)
That's all for now!
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
One Month of Married Life.

One month and two days ago, I married the best man I've ever met. And since that day, people have been asking me non-stop, "So, how's the married life?" I always try to come up with some sweet, genuine answer that doesn't scream, "I'm tired of people asking this question!" Kip just smiles and says, "Welp, the food's better."
I hate to admit it, but I kind of thought becoming a wife would make me into some Betty Crocker/Susie Homemaker/Ree Drummond hybrid. I knew deep down that it wouldn't, but hey! A girl can dream, right? :) What I REALLY became was a busier, slightly more frazzled, but completely happy version of me... one that STILL didn't know how to cook much more than baked fish and salad. Eek!
I've tried several times to cook meals from scratch for Kip and I. Some have turned out great (Pot roast, spaghetti, cinnamon waffles), and others have not come out so well (Martha Stewart's chicken salad, chicken & fried rice...). I recently posted a Facebook status about Kip's experience with my cooking skills...

A lot of married-much-longer-than-me wives found my plight quite humorous, but promised me it would get better. ;)
The hardest part of marriage so far hasn't just been the cooking, or the laundry, or trying to keep our cute little place somewhat picked up... it's been to remember to GIVE. Waiting tables filled with fussy, hungry people can be emotionally and physically exhausting sometimes. However, I've noticed that over the past few weeks, my most common prayer has become, "Lord, fill me with so much of yourself that it overflows for Kip, because I have nothing left in me!" The struggle is what keeps us on our knees and pressing close to the Lord, and for that reason, it's ALL worth it. He continues to fill my heart with joy and peace, and my body and mind with energy and clarity, and I'm so thankful.
I'm praying that during the coming, days, months, and years, that God will mold me to be a suitable helper for my sweet man in all areas of this new adventure called "Marriage!"
So, Wives of the world... any advice for the newlywed? I'm in desperate need of some easy, healthy recipes!
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