One month and two days ago, I married the best man I've ever met. And since that day, people have been asking me non-stop, "So, how's the married life?" I always try to come up with some sweet, genuine answer that doesn't scream, "I'm tired of people asking this question!" Kip just smiles and says, "Welp, the food's better."
I hate to admit it, but I kind of thought becoming a wife would make me into some Betty Crocker/Susie Homemaker/Ree Drummond hybrid. I knew deep down that it wouldn't, but hey! A girl can dream, right? :) What I REALLY became was a busier, slightly more frazzled, but completely happy version of me... one that STILL didn't know how to cook much more than baked fish and salad. Eek!
I've tried several times to cook meals from scratch for Kip and I. Some have turned out great (Pot roast, spaghetti, cinnamon waffles), and others have not come out so well (Martha Stewart's chicken salad, chicken & fried rice...). I recently posted a Facebook status about Kip's experience with my cooking skills...

A lot of married-much-longer-than-me wives found my plight quite humorous, but promised me it would get better. ;)
The hardest part of marriage so far hasn't just been the cooking, or the laundry, or trying to keep our cute little place somewhat picked up... it's been to remember to GIVE. Waiting tables filled with fussy, hungry people can be emotionally and physically exhausting sometimes. However, I've noticed that over the past few weeks, my most common prayer has become, "Lord, fill me with so much of yourself that it overflows for Kip, because I have nothing left in me!" The struggle is what keeps us on our knees and pressing close to the Lord, and for that reason, it's ALL worth it. He continues to fill my heart with joy and peace, and my body and mind with energy and clarity, and I'm so thankful.
I'm praying that during the coming, days, months, and years, that God will mold me to be a suitable helper for my sweet man in all areas of this new adventure called "Marriage!"
So, Wives of the world... any advice for the newlywed? I'm in desperate need of some easy, healthy recipes!