I have now been in Romania for one week. It seems so strange, to be back here again. It's been a great week of rest and spending time with my parents, and now I'm ready to go to the orphanage. I just wanted to write a little about the past seven days, at least for my own sake. I know by the end of my time here I'll be struggling to remember everything that I've experienced and learned during these first few weeks!
At first, being in Romania again was bittersweet. I was so happy to be here, but at the same time it made me miss a lot of old friends and teammates that used to travel with us. It was strange to reminisce about memories from years past, but not have the same friends here to laugh with. It was my first reality check: this is going to be different. Not bad, just different. :)
The first few days we spent roaming around Timisoara, exploring downtown, and visiting the mall. Everywhere we go is either on foot, by taxi, or by bus. The taxis are fun to take, because that means we get to speak a little Romanian. Well, TRY to anyway.. :) We are learning more a little bit every day, thanks to my parents' sweet Romanian Profesoara Emma at Areopogus!
Mom & Dad have been meeting with her several times a week since they moved here, and she has graciously allowed me to come sit in and participate in the classes with them. I absolutely LOVE going. Emma, while sometimes intimidating, is such a good teacher and I've so loved learning to speak and understand a little more of the language. Areopogus is about a twenty minute walk from my parents' apartment. Since I have been here it has been pretty hot, but the Lord sent rain to us, and it has cooled off a LOT! Mom and I even put on sweaters today.
We made the walk home in the rain, hurrying along under our umbrellas and enjoying the refreshing 60 degree gift from the Lord. :)
I talked a little bit about the church in my last post. Oh, the sweet church! I love it so! I wish I had more pictures. I'll try to take some more Sunday if I get a chance. Tuesday night we went to Bible study, which was entirely in Romanian of course. I could hardly understand a word, and my butt hurt really bad from the chairs haha, but I just love being there.
Sunday night after church (I know I'm not writing about days in order! bear with me!), some of the girls called and asked me to join them while they went to the Centru. Of course I said yes, and I was so blessed to spend an evening eating dinner and walking around Timisoara with them!
This past week, God has taught me so much through the books of Hebrews and Romans. I rarely have much time to just sit and reflect on.. anything! These past seven days have given me the opportunity to do that. He has taught me so much about Grace, and about how much I depend on myself for my "right standing" with Him. How funny, that I came to share with an Eastern Orthodox country that Christ has provided salvation as a free gift, and I am the one needing a lesson in grace. Christ is our High Priest, the One who has come and paid the final sacrifice to pay the price for my sinful heart. "We have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, a hope that enters into the inner place behind the curtain." -Hebrews 6:19.
In the coming week, it looks like I will finally get to start volunteering at one of the orphanages here in Timisoara! Lord willing, I will go on Monday. I seriously can hardly wait to serve the Lord by spending time with these kids. I have absolutely nothing to offer them but the incredible unconditional love that I have received, but I so want to share it with them!
I suppose that's all I have for now. For those that are praying, thank you so much! I know you are, because I can already see our Savior moving here. He is so sweet to us, to allow us to be a part of His Kingdom.
Until next time,

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