Traveling alone was quite the adventure. After saying goodbye to my amazing Aunt Donna & "Unk" at the airport, (whom I could not have gotten here without!) I went on my own for the first time into DFW airport. I was nervous, emotional, and pretty much ready to barf. Just kidding... but seriously. When we finally boarded the plane, I had a window seat next to a very nice woman from India. She was very friendly, and offered me her cookie from the airplane meal ;) I fell asleep & slept most of the flight to London! At one point, the turbulence was so bad that I woke up, only to hear several passengers ask the flight attendants if "everything is alright.." They assured us that it was only turbulence and that it was normal.. but I still prayed anyway. ;) I decided to "pull an Amy Carmichael" and sing a hymn to myself as we bumped and jolted around. It helped me feel better.. & I prayed that God would put me in a deep sleep so that I would not notice the scariness. He answered, and next time I woke up we were nearly to our destination. :)
Once we got to London, I found out I had missed my flight and would be put on the next plane to Budapest.. which was 6 hours later! At 8:30pm (London time) I boarded the plane and fell asleep, once again. :) I arrived in Budapest, Hungary around midnight where my parents, Liviu, and Daniel met me with sleepy smiles and lots of hugs. They had been waiting to pick me up ALL DAY! When we crossed the Hungarian/Romanian boarder, Liviu said, "Bine ati venit in Romania, Hannah." "Multsumesc!" I replied, and he laughed with surprise that I could understand him. Even though it was 3:30 in the morning, we still had a joyful and entertaining car ride. The sign of a believer, I think, is joy despite any circumstance, and that is exactly what Liviu and Daniel had along the way. By the time we got to Timisoara, the sun was coming up to greet us. As I laid in bed to finally get some horizontal sleep, the birds began to chirp outside the window. Next thing I knew.. it was 3 in the afternoon and I pulled my groggy self out of bed to get some eggs and sausage mom was cooking in the kitchen. :)
Saturday was spent walking around downtown Timisoara, eating dinner, and resting up for church the next morning! The church my parents attend is one that has been very close to my heart ever since I came to Timisoara three years ago. My favorite part of being here so far is going to the church, to try and understand the language and speak a little myself. :) (More on the language part later.. ) The happiest I am here is with these sweet people from the church. I'm so blessed to know them and call them my brothers & sisters!
I'll write more later, but now... it's time for bed. Noapte Buna, y'all. ;)
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