Friday, October 26, 2012

Hello, Third Trimester!

I'm dreaming today...

28.5 week bump!

I'm sitting at my kitchen table, reading and smelling the fantastic aroma of dinner in the crockpot. (One of our favorites: Honey Sesame Chicken) And, every so often, I get a little kick from the littlest Staton lady, reminding me that she's there and awake! I keep dreaming about her little face, wondering who she'll look like and what color hair she'll have. I wonder what her personality will be like, and what her voice will sound like. I can't wait to hear her say "Daddy" for the first time, because I know Kip will just melt. He loves her so much already, and I think he's going to be the sweetest Daddy.

I think it took a long time for the fact that I'm pregnant to really sink in. Even when I started to feel her move for the first time, it didn't seem real. But over the last few weeks, and especially at the beginning of the third trimester, it has really hit me. We're going to have a baby in this home... soon. Her room is painted pink, her crib is set up and we have a cradle next to the bed in our room. The quiet moments Kip and I have soon won't be so quiet, and time alone will be even more of a treasure than it is now. We're soaking in every bit of our time as a family of two, while really looking forward to the family of three. :)

Our first birthing class went really well. We really enjoyed meeting the five other couples (who are all first-time parents!) and getting some encouragement and perspective from the midwives and their assistants. It really helped me realize that my body is going to do what my body is going to do. I can't worry or stress about when or how she'll come, I just have to be patient and trust that God will bring her into this world in His own way. My job is just to ride it out and let it all happen. I feel like a burden has been lifted off my shoulders... one that was never mine to bear!

"You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you." -Isaiah 26:3

I think baby girl is getting hungry (well, at least I am), so I'm off to a PB&J sandwich and some Raspberry Leaf Tea while I watch a documentary on natural childbirth. Holler! Prime-time entertainment, right there. :)

Love always,

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Birth videos, classes, and stories. Oh my!

Well, after watching this TED video over and over, I was inspired to watch more birth videos and read birth stories. Water births, home births, hospital births... Lots and lots of births. Some videos are edited and sweet, and make Kip say, "That didn't look so bad!" And others are raw footage that make me wince and say, "Nooooo way!!" and Kip calmly replies, "Well, Hannah, we've gotta get her out somehow."

Let's be honest. I'm scared. Of the pain, of course, but mostly of the unknown. The last part of the TED video, where you can see what the little baby's legs are doing and how she's trying to get OUT of there?! Helloooo, why did I not realize she'd be moving around and squirming during delivery too?! One story I read talked about feeling her pelvic bones shifting and making room as the baby descended into the birth canal. Whaaaat.

All that to say, my confidence is fully and completely in the Lord, and I know He'll take care of me, and that this is what He designed my body to do. But the stories still give me the goosebumps. It's all so exciting, emotional, scary, and unpredictable! One minute, I'm terrified, and the next I just can't wait. I think, if the Lord gives us more babies in the future, I'd like to have a home birth. It just sounds so much more comfortable and personal. Maybe we'll wait until we have a house so we don't scare any neighbors in our apartment complex. :)

Well, tonight is our first birthing class. Neither of us are really sure what to expect, but we're excited to get to spend some time getting to know our midwives (Jean and Betty) outside of the regular prenatal appointments. I'm a little afraid Kip and I won't be able to make it through the class without laughing... This is all so new to us, and let's be honest... sometimes conversations about bodies are just funny. I know the information will be very useful and I'm excited to learn!

Look at this incredible video of a baby from conception to birth. What an incredible God who makes such wonderfully made little people!

Monday, October 22, 2012

It's Been A While...

So much has happened since I posted last.

1. We did move, but not til nearly a month after my last post. We've lived in our new place about three months now, and I'm finally just feeling settled. We have pictures, erhh... picture frames on the wall, furniture arranged and lightbulbs in (almost) all of our lamps. Hey, it's "home," and we love it!

2. We had an ultrasound at 18 weeks and found out we are having a little baby girl. :) We are so excited to see our little lady face-to-face in just three short months! I am 28 weeks today. Hello, third trimester! 

3. I recently stopped working, and I've graduated to stay-at-home housewife and waiting-to-be Mama! I'm praying for a measure of productivity and wisdom in finances, housekeeping, and learning to PRAY. This is the first time in my life I've never had work or school to attend, so it will be a whole new world for me! God gives good gifts, and in the case of my husband-- an INCREDIBLE gift. I'm so thankful for how hard he works to go to school and work to take care of our growing little family. What a man. :) 

On our honeymoon before we left to come back home. 

With the extra time on my hands, I hope to read and write a lot more, whether that's books, journals, or blogs. I've gone back and forth in my mind about whether or not I feel comfortable blogging regularly. I don't have any wisdom to offer newlyweds (as I am one myself), or Mama's (as I'm learning on the fly), I can't cook like Ree and I don't homeschool (yet) like my wonderful sister Bambi. But what I can do is share stories, struggles, and lessons I learn along the way. I only hope to be a voice of encouragement, inspiration, truth, and honesty for anyone who might happen to read along with our crazy lives. If there are any other young wives/mama's out there, feeling like you're the only one who no clue what to do, you're not!! I'm here, and we can learn together. :)
